till 22 Jan 2012
Time: 8.30am - 5.30pm (ticket office 8.30am - 430pm)
Closed December 25th and January 1st
A major exhibitiondocumenting, through a thousand years of history and over three hundred exhibits, the delicate and intense political, cultural and commercial relations between Venice and Egypt. Archaeological finds, objects, coins and works of art ranging from classical to the opening of the Suez Canal (1869). The exhibition presents outstanding pieces such as the Egyptian mummy Nehmeket or small bronze statue of Anubis, the reliquary of St. Mark's from the Vatican Museums.Also on show, paintings by Giorgione, Tiziano, Bonifacio, Veronese, Tintoretto, Paolo Fiammingo, Strozzi, Fontebasso, Pittoni, Amigoni, Piazzetta, Giandomenico Tiepolo, fino alle vedute egizie dipinte nell'Ottocento da Ippolito Caffi.
Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
THE SAINTS of the week (Monday 26 December 2011 – Sunday 1 January 2012)
-26 dicembre Santo Stefano (35) primo martire cristiano
-26th December St. Stephen (35) the first christian martyr
-27 dicembre San Giovanni (100) apostolo ed evangelista
-27th December St. John (100) apostle and evangelist
-28 dicembre Santi innocenti (0) sono i bimbi fatti uccidere da re Erode
-28th December St. innocents (0) the children killed by king Herod
-29 dicembre San Tommaso Becket (1118-1170) arcivescovo di Canterbury, martire
-29th December St. Thomas Becket (1118-1170) archbishop of Canterbury, martyr
-30 dicembre San Savino (303) di Sulmona, vescovo e martire
-30th December St. Savino (303) from Sulmona Italy, bishop and martyr
-31 dicembre San Silvestro I (335) papa
-31st December St. Silvestre I (335) pope
-1 gennaio Maria Santissima Madre di Dio
-1st January Holy Mary God’s Mother
Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com
-26th December St. Stephen (35) the first christian martyr
-27 dicembre San Giovanni (100) apostolo ed evangelista
-27th December St. John (100) apostle and evangelist
-28 dicembre Santi innocenti (0) sono i bimbi fatti uccidere da re Erode
-28th December St. innocents (0) the children killed by king Herod
-29 dicembre San Tommaso Becket (1118-1170) arcivescovo di Canterbury, martire
-29th December St. Thomas Becket (1118-1170) archbishop of Canterbury, martyr
-30 dicembre San Savino (303) di Sulmona, vescovo e martire
-30th December St. Savino (303) from Sulmona Italy, bishop and martyr
-31 dicembre San Silvestro I (335) papa
-31st December St. Silvestre I (335) pope
-1 gennaio Maria Santissima Madre di Dio
-1st January Holy Mary God’s Mother
Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
The Saints of the week (19-25 December 2011)
-19 dicembre San Urbano V (1309-1370) di Francia, uno dei sette papi di Avignone
-19th December St. Urban V (1309-1370) of France, one of the seven popes of Avignone
-20 dicembre San Domenico di Silos (1000-1073) di Spagna, monaco benedettino
-20th December St. Dominic di Silos (1000-1073) from Spain, Benedictin monk
-21 dicembre San Pietro Canisio (1521-1597) d’Olanda, sacerdote gesuita, dottore della Chiesa
-21st December St. Peter Canisio (1521-1597) from Holland, Jesuit priest, doctor of the Church
-22 dicembre Santa Francesca Saverio Cabrini (1850-1917) religiosa, fondatrice dell’Istituto delle suore missionarie del Sacro Cuore
-22nd December St. Frances Saverio Cabrini (1850-1917) sister, founder of the Institute of the missionary sisters of the Sacred Heart
-23 dicembre San Giovanni da Kenty (1390-1473) sacerdote polacco
-23rd December St. John from Kenty (1390-1473) Polish priest
-24 dicembre Santi Adamo ed Eva ( ) progenitori del genere umano
-24th December St. Adam and Eve ( ) progenitor of the mankind
-25 dicembre Natale del Signore
-25th December Christmas birth of the Lord
Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com
-19th December St. Urban V (1309-1370) of France, one of the seven popes of Avignone
-20 dicembre San Domenico di Silos (1000-1073) di Spagna, monaco benedettino
-20th December St. Dominic di Silos (1000-1073) from Spain, Benedictin monk
-21 dicembre San Pietro Canisio (1521-1597) d’Olanda, sacerdote gesuita, dottore della Chiesa
-21st December St. Peter Canisio (1521-1597) from Holland, Jesuit priest, doctor of the Church
-22 dicembre Santa Francesca Saverio Cabrini (1850-1917) religiosa, fondatrice dell’Istituto delle suore missionarie del Sacro Cuore
-22nd December St. Frances Saverio Cabrini (1850-1917) sister, founder of the Institute of the missionary sisters of the Sacred Heart
-23 dicembre San Giovanni da Kenty (1390-1473) sacerdote polacco
-23rd December St. John from Kenty (1390-1473) Polish priest
-24 dicembre Santi Adamo ed Eva ( ) progenitori del genere umano
-24th December St. Adam and Eve ( ) progenitor of the mankind
-25 dicembre Natale del Signore
-25th December Christmas birth of the Lord
Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com
Monday, December 19, 2011
Some unusual questions about Venice
Why do people in Venice row boats standing up?
The history of Veneto-style rowing is associated with the specific characteristics of the lagoon and the "use of flat bottomed boats without keel, which are light weight and can be steered by a single oarsman ... Rowing a boat with two crossed oars - called "alla Valesana" - was and still is practiced in the shoals and in the fishing valleys, however, this style of rowing is not possible in the narrow waterways in Venice with the heavy boat traffic. The oarsmen developed a special one-oared rowing technique in order to do away with the rudder, which was aided by their development of asymmetrical boats.A bit of exotica: even abroad many folks have fallen in love with this type of boating and gondolas are used in Holland, Germany, the United States and even China
Does it flood every time it rains in Venice?
Rain and flooding are not strictly related to each other. Acqua alta is nothing but a rather hefty high tide, such as often to flood, in some periods of the year, especially in October, November and December, the lower points of many fondamente (streets bordering canals), calli (streets), and campi (squares). Only very seldom are wide parts of the city flooded. This contrasts with a misunderstanding common among those who do not personally know the matter and are lead to think that acqua alta means water reaching to one's navel. It isn't obviously so: for instance, when "+100 cm acqua alta is mentioned, that meter only represents the increase in comparison with the average sea level (the average sea level conventionally accepted is the 1897 one measured at the Punta della Salute). At this level, only a very small number of city points get flooded.
Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com
The history of Veneto-style rowing is associated with the specific characteristics of the lagoon and the "use of flat bottomed boats without keel, which are light weight and can be steered by a single oarsman ... Rowing a boat with two crossed oars - called "alla Valesana" - was and still is practiced in the shoals and in the fishing valleys, however, this style of rowing is not possible in the narrow waterways in Venice with the heavy boat traffic. The oarsmen developed a special one-oared rowing technique in order to do away with the rudder, which was aided by their development of asymmetrical boats.A bit of exotica: even abroad many folks have fallen in love with this type of boating and gondolas are used in Holland, Germany, the United States and even China
Does it flood every time it rains in Venice?
Rain and flooding are not strictly related to each other. Acqua alta is nothing but a rather hefty high tide, such as often to flood, in some periods of the year, especially in October, November and December, the lower points of many fondamente (streets bordering canals), calli (streets), and campi (squares). Only very seldom are wide parts of the city flooded. This contrasts with a misunderstanding common among those who do not personally know the matter and are lead to think that acqua alta means water reaching to one's navel. It isn't obviously so: for instance, when "+100 cm acqua alta is mentioned, that meter only represents the increase in comparison with the average sea level (the average sea level conventionally accepted is the 1897 one measured at the Punta della Salute). At this level, only a very small number of city points get flooded.
Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Tourist fishing in the North of the Venetian Lagoon
Burano’s fishermen are the protagonists of the initiative Tourist fishing in the north of the Venetian lagoon : an open air museum, a project that was developed to promote an alternative form of tourism, aimed not only at discovering the beauty and the extraordinary resources of the sea...
Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com
Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The Saints of the week (12-18 December 2011)
-12 dicembre Santa Giovanna Francesca di Chantal Francia (1572-1641) vedova, fondatrice della congregazione della Visitazione sotto la direzione di San Francesco di Sales
-12nd December St. Joan Frances from Chantal France (1572-1641) widow, founder of the Congregation of the Visitation under the direction of St. Francis of Sales
-13 dicembre Santa Lucia (304) di Siracusa, vergine e martire, simbolo della grazia illuminante. Porta i regali insieme al ciuchino
-13rd December St. Lucy (304) from Syracuse Italy, virgin and martyr, symbol of the illuminating grace. She brings the gifts to the Italian childrens
-14 dicembre San Giovanni della Croce (1542-1591) de Ypes (da cui il movimento hippy degli anni settanta), carmelitano spagnolo, mistico
-14th December St. John of the Cross (1542-1591) de Ypes (from which the hippy’s movement of the seventies), Spanish Carmelite, mystic
-15 dicembre Santa Nounè Cristiana (320) apostola della Georgia
-15th December St. Nounè Christian (320) apostle of the Georgia
-16 dicembre Santa Adelaide (930-999) imperatrice d’Italia
-16th December St. Adelaide (930-999) empress of Italy
-17 dicembre Santa Olimpia (408) diaconessa di Costantinopoli
-17th December St. Olympia (408) deaconess of Costantinople
-18 dicembre San Graziano (337) fondatore della Diocesi di Tours (Gallia)
-18th December St. Gatien (337) founder of the Diocese of Tours (Gaul)
Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com
-12nd December St. Joan Frances from Chantal France (1572-1641) widow, founder of the Congregation of the Visitation under the direction of St. Francis of Sales
-13 dicembre Santa Lucia (304) di Siracusa, vergine e martire, simbolo della grazia illuminante. Porta i regali insieme al ciuchino
-13rd December St. Lucy (304) from Syracuse Italy, virgin and martyr, symbol of the illuminating grace. She brings the gifts to the Italian childrens
-14 dicembre San Giovanni della Croce (1542-1591) de Ypes (da cui il movimento hippy degli anni settanta), carmelitano spagnolo, mistico
-14th December St. John of the Cross (1542-1591) de Ypes (from which the hippy’s movement of the seventies), Spanish Carmelite, mystic
-15 dicembre Santa Nounè Cristiana (320) apostola della Georgia
-15th December St. Nounè Christian (320) apostle of the Georgia
-16 dicembre Santa Adelaide (930-999) imperatrice d’Italia
-16th December St. Adelaide (930-999) empress of Italy
-17 dicembre Santa Olimpia (408) diaconessa di Costantinopoli
-17th December St. Olympia (408) deaconess of Costantinople
-18 dicembre San Graziano (337) fondatore della Diocesi di Tours (Gallia)
-18th December St. Gatien (337) founder of the Diocese of Tours (Gaul)
Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com
Saturday, December 3, 2011
The Saint of the day
3 dicembre San Francesco Saverio (1506-1552) gesuita, patrono di tutte le missioni
-3rd December St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552) Jesuit, patron of all the missions
Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)http://www.casadelmiele.com/
-3rd December St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552) Jesuit, patron of all the missions
Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)http://www.casadelmiele.com/
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The Saints of the week (30 November - 6 December 2011)
-30 novembre Sant’Andrea apostolo ( ) patrono dei pescatori
-30th November St. Andrew apostle ( ) patron of the fishermen
-1 dicembre San Eligio (588-660) di Chaptelat (Francia) vescovo, patrono degli orefici
-1st December St. Eligio (588-660) from Chaptelat (France) bishop, patron of the jewellers
-2 dicembre Santa Bibiana (secolo IV) di Roma, vergine e martire
-2nd December St. Bibiana (fourth century) from Rome, virgin and martyr
-3 dicembre San Francesco Saverio (1506-1552) gesuita, patrono di tutte le missioni
-3rd December St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552) Jesuit, patron of all the missions
-4 dicembre Santa Barbara (1200) invocate contro la morte improvvisa e la folgore, patrona di quanti maneggiano la polvere da sparo, custodita appunto nella “santabarbara”
-4th December St. Barbara (1200) invoked against the unexpected death and the thunderbolt, patron of who works with the powder, keeped just in the “santabarbara” (powder magazine)
-5 dicembre San Saba (439-532) di Mutalasca Grecia, abate
-5th December St. Saba (439-532) from Mutulasca Greece, monk
-6 dicembre San Nicola o Niccolò (350) vescovo di Mira in Asia Minore (attuale Turchia), patrono dei bambini (è Babbo Natale)
-6th December St. Nicholas (350) bishop of Mira in Asia Minor (actual Turkey), patron of the children (he is Father Christmas)
Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com
-30th November St. Andrew apostle ( ) patron of the fishermen
-1 dicembre San Eligio (588-660) di Chaptelat (Francia) vescovo, patrono degli orefici
-1st December St. Eligio (588-660) from Chaptelat (France) bishop, patron of the jewellers
-2 dicembre Santa Bibiana (secolo IV) di Roma, vergine e martire
-2nd December St. Bibiana (fourth century) from Rome, virgin and martyr
-3 dicembre San Francesco Saverio (1506-1552) gesuita, patrono di tutte le missioni
-3rd December St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552) Jesuit, patron of all the missions
-4 dicembre Santa Barbara (1200) invocate contro la morte improvvisa e la folgore, patrona di quanti maneggiano la polvere da sparo, custodita appunto nella “santabarbara”
-4th December St. Barbara (1200) invoked against the unexpected death and the thunderbolt, patron of who works with the powder, keeped just in the “santabarbara” (powder magazine)
-5 dicembre San Saba (439-532) di Mutalasca Grecia, abate
-5th December St. Saba (439-532) from Mutulasca Greece, monk
-6 dicembre San Nicola o Niccolò (350) vescovo di Mira in Asia Minore (attuale Turchia), patrono dei bambini (è Babbo Natale)
-6th December St. Nicholas (350) bishop of Mira in Asia Minor (actual Turkey), patron of the children (he is Father Christmas)
Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com
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