Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2012 Venitian Civic Museums Foundation Exhibitions

2012 Seven major exhibitions promoted by the 2012 Seven major exhibitions promoted by the Venitian Civic Museums Foundation

-Francesco Guardi, in the third centenary of his birth, to be held at the Correr Museum and Ca 'Rezzonico from September 2012 to January 2013 which will present works and studies unpublished in Venice

-Spring at the Palazzo Fortuny (Fortuny Museum, March 10-June 28)

-Sartorius and Venice (Ca 'Pesaro, Spring 2012)

-San Michele island. Cenacle of humanists or 'caput ordinis' Camaldolese? (May-August 2012)

-Fashion and Film 1840-1940 (Museum of Palazzo Mocenigo, September-December 2012)

-Uecker and Castellani (Ca 'Pesaro, autumn 2012)

-Fortuny and Wagner (Fortuny Museum, November 2012-March 2013)

Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Venice Intl. Boat Show , April 13-15 & 20-22
34th Su e Zo per i Ponti , April 15
America’s Cup , May 12-20
The Sensa Feast-day , May 20
Vogalonga , May 27
Biennale Cinema , August 29-September 8
Biennale Architettura , August 29-November 25
Regata Storica , September 2
Venice Marathon , October 28
Madonna della Salute Feast Day , November 21

Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com

Monday, January 16, 2012

THE SAINTS of the week (Monday 16 – Sunday 22 January 2012)

-16 gennaio San Marcello (309) papa
-16th January St. Marcellus (309) Pope
-17 gennaio San Antonio (251-356) egiziano, abate, anacoreta, padre del monachesimo, invocato contro il “fuoco di Sant’Antonio”
-17th January St. Anthony (251-356) Egyptian, abbot, anchorite, father of the monarchism, invoked against the shingles (“fire of St. Anthony”)
-18 gennaio Santa Prisca (I secolo) protomartire
-18th January St. Prisca (I century) protomartyr
-19 gennaio Santi Mario, Marta, Audiface, Abaco (270) nobile famiglia persiana morta martire a Roma
-19th January St. Marius, Martha, Audiface, Abaco (270) noble Persian family, martyr in Rome
-20 gennaio San Sebastiano (288) ex ufficiale dell’esercito imperiale romano, martire
-20th January St. Sebastian (288) ex-officer of the Roman imperial army, martyr
-21 gennaio San Agnese (III-IV secolo) nobile romana, martire bambina
-21st January St. Agnes (III-IV century) noble Roman, children martyr
-22 gennaio San Vincenzo (304) diacono spagnolo di Huesca, martire

Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Saints of the week (9-15 January 2012)

-9 gennaio Beato Gregorio X (1210-1276) papa
-9th January Blessed Gregory X (1210-1276) pope
-10 gennaio San Aldo (1000 circa) eremita
-10th January St. Aldous (1000 about) hermit
-11 gennaio San Igino (140) papa, greco, filosofo
-11st January St. Igino (140) pope, Greek, philosopher
-12 gennaio San Benedetto Biscop (628-690) monaco irlandese
-12nd January St. Benedict Biscop (628-690) Irish monk
-13 gennaio San Ilario di Poitiers (315-368) vescovo e dottore della Chiesa
-13rd January St. Hilary from Poitiers (315-368) bishop and doctor of the Church
-14 gennaio San Felice di Nola (250) sacerdote
-14th January St. Felix from Nola (250) priest
-15 gennaio San Macario il grande (300-390) egiziano, eremita
-15th January St. Macarius the Great (300-390) Egyptian, hermit

Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Saints of the week (2-8 January 2012)

-2 gennaio San Gregorio Nazianzeno (329-389) di Grecia, vescovo di Nazianzo e dottore della Chiesa
-2nd January St. Gregory Nazianzeno (329-389) fromGreece, bishop of Nazianzo and doctor of the Church
-3 gennaio Santa Genoveffa di Parigi (422-500) patrona di Parigi
-3rd January St. Genevieve fromParis (422-500) patron ofParis
-4 gennaio Beata Angela da Foligno (1248-1309) francescana
-4th January Blessed Angela from FolignoItaly (1248-1309) franciscan
-5 gennaio Sante Emiliana e Tarsilla (secolo VI) sorelle, mistiche, zie di San Gregorio Magno
-5th JanuarySt. Emiliana and Tarsilla (VI century) sisters, mistycs, ancles of St. Gregory the Great
-6 gennaio Epifania del Signore ( ) manifestazione della Divinità di Cristo al mondo
-6th January Epiphany of the Lord ( ) manifestation of the Christ’s Divinity to the World
-7 gennaio San Raimondo di Penafort (1180-1275) sacerdote domenicano
-7th JanuarySt. Raymond from Penafort (1180-1275) Dominican priest
-8 gennaio San Severino (410-482) abate
-8th JanuarySt. Severino (410-482) abbot

Enrico (info@casadelmiele.com) - Casa del Miele - Bed and Breakfast Venezia Venice Venedig Venise Venecia (agriturismo, albergo, hotel, affittacamere, camere, alloggio, soggiorno, guesthouse, hostel, rooms)www.casadelmiele.com